About Anglican Temperament

Anglicans believe the truth is to be found in the tension between counter-opposites. We affirm both the sacred and secular, both the material and the non-material, both the mind and the heart, both the transcendence and the intimate closeness of God.

Anglicans are not “black and white” thinkers, but instead affirm the ambiguity of experience and the value of learning to tolerate and embrace complexity and ambiguity in many aspects of human life and in the spiritual journey.

Anglicans are people of a questioning faith. We search for wisdom in many places and encourage people to listen to each other and to bring their honest questions to their spiritual life.

Anglicans are at home in the world of image, symbol, myth, ritual, and the arts. Very few Anglicans write systematic theologies. Instead we are writers, poets, pastors, and musicians.

Anglicans believe that beauty is the doorway to truth and goodness and that beauty is a doorway to God.

Anglicans avoid extremes, believing that a godly life is one that is disciplined, balanced and temperate.

Anglicans have a reverence for nature and its rhythms. Anglicans believe in working to protect the natural world and its creatures.

Anglicans believe that Christian life has political implications and that civic life is both a legitimate and important place for a Christian’s ministry to be expressed.  Most often this is expressed through speech and acts which voice Christ’s concern for peace and the care of society’s most marginalized persons.

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